Tuesday, October 10, 2006

爱要怎么说 Say I Do

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看,我够讲义气吧! 其实我们俩是去哪儿鸡婆!!哈哈。。

因为“男猪脚”参加了 U 频道的【爱要怎么说】! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


他们从早上 8。30 就和“男猪脚”会合。。然后和 U 频道的工作人员一同出发去新达城。。 到了那儿他们就开始排练。。因时间长与天气又热又没得坐,排练的过程有点儿累。。虽然正式的形式只是大约 15 分钟。。但一看到“女猪脚”那感动和意外的表情,大家都觉得一切的努力都是值得的。。看着“女猪脚”因感动而落泪,我的眼泪也不尽流下来。。


阿!忘了介绍“男猪脚”的名是 Alvin 是“熊”踢球的好友。。从中学时就认识了。。哪 Alvin 的未来老婆的名字是 Sharon! 祝他们永远幸福快乐,白头偕老!!

这对恋人的节目,大约一个月后播放。。请锁定U 频道的【爱要怎么说】!

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Say I Do
Hosts: Michelle Chia & Wu Luo Yi






1. 搬演男女主角的恋爱故事。

2. 讨论示爱/求婚计划、设计突发状况,以测试对方是否真心付出?

3. 展开行动!只要被示爱、被求婚者在不知情的情况下接受了求婚或示爱,并说出“我愿意”三个字,任务就算完成。



(2006年9月19日起 每逢周二晚上8时30分 首播 ; 午夜12时30分重播)

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Story Outline:

Can’t decide how to propose? Say I Do is your perfect guide to 101 creative and unexpected ways to express your love and ask for his or her hand!

An all new variety programme hosted by Michelle Chia and Wu Luo Yi that challenges the conventions of proposing, Say I Do will feature unique ways to help participants choreograph the most unusual and surprising wedding proposals that thousands of viewers will witness on national TV!

Prior to filming, the show producers called for people with a ‘steady’ beau to come forth if they were intending to propose to their other half. The two hosts will then come up with creative ideas to help him or her solve the difficult situation of how to pop the question. When the other party without any prior knowledge of the event, says ‘I do’, then their mission will be considered a success!

The programme’s light hearted genre, creative ideas and surprise elements make it one of the most enjoyable and personable shows this year. Who knows? It may just help to increase the country’s marriage count this year!

Segment 1:
Enactment of the couple’s love story – their hopes and dreams.
Segment 2:
The plan and preparation – The what, where, when and how to spring a surprise!
Segment 3:
The proposal – touching moments, Say ‘I Do’?, interviews

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