Just tender my resignation letter last nite..its so stressful event...
Reply from my Boss..
1st email:
Why? Is there something you're not happy about?
2nd email:
Jane, Can you please reconsider? You're a capable person and you're a great help to me. I really like you to stay. Whatever it is can we find a solution together? As long as it's within my means, I'm willing to accommodate to your needs.
I'm so stress that i can't sleep well the whole nite..
I did not reply him...
The next morning i'm suppose to go for an interview but yet the person did not give me the addy till morning, i checked street directory and unfamiliar with the place so i called and change the interview to monday instead.
I was late for work today, guess wat..my boss who normally comes in at ard 3-5pm, came earlier than me! when i opened the door and see him.. im shock..my body kinda freeze!
After i sit down he say he wanna bring me for breakfast! I told him me eaten le..then he say then okie lets go for a drink..
He asked me what did he done wrong that i wanna leave..although theres lotsa things im unhappy about him..but i still did not tell him and tok him theres nothing wrong..just that my daddy's fren asked me to go over to help him...
Then he asked me wat did he offer?
I kept slient for very long and told him that my future boss offers me higher pay and give me a car to drive too...
Then he said..so there nothing i can do to ask u to stay since u have already agreed to go over right?
I kept slient..
Im so so so so so so super stress the whole event..he even tear when he is toking to me! OMG..
After that he is super good to everybody in the office...which makes every1 uneasy..heez..
Okie..in the end he bo bian still have to let me go... And i promised to help him hire another PA and train him/her up..heez..
Now i just asked SPH to help me advertise the following..

Anybody with accounts backgrd i guess you can apply..but i think my boss would prefer gals..if u r a guy..probably u can try..heez..
Oh..btw i asked sharin..that gal say no car she dun wan.. -_-"
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