Dunno will wear or not...just buy..will I feel better?? Me myself also dunno..
Feel like buying more today..
Dunno y so suay..smtimes I wonder izzit my suayness caused Mummy to suffer..
Early in the morning..the sandals that I bought less than 1 month broke.. I have to drag my feet to work today.. raining samore!! sob..
Went to Hong Lim to deposit my boss cheque then my colleagues accompany moi..They went to a hello kitty shop in China Town Point..Went in to accompany them..while I was browsing the things in the shop while chatting with Jing Ting..A box with a hello kitty in it hit directly on my head!!..sob..pain pain~!!
Went to several shoes shop to buy a pair of shoes..but non caught my eyes..then I guess my colleagues kinda sianz too..so settle on 1 that is slightly okay pair..sob…
Went back to office..then wanna get back the documents that I faxed..Guess what..i trip and fall…sob….
Now early of the day oni..what is coming later??
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