Open it up..itside was a letter & something else was in it…
Opened up the letter and read…
Its was from the uncle that has always concern and taking care of me when I am in the shop last time..
Those who are close to me will know who I am referring…
There is no blood relation between us…
But his love for me is like a father and daughter…
He got 2 daughters too…1 of them is studying in SIM too…
Probably she is jealous of his father concern over me or wat…she slowly become unfriendly towards me..walk pass the shop will always “gim” me…
Uncle will always buy things for me to eat..when he goes down town..he will but some specialties from there to let me try…He knows that I am studying..and keep encouraging me…and gave me lotsa books for me to read up…He collects coins too..thats y now and then he will pass me some of his coins..some of them he bought it specially for me..1 of them which cost probably more than 3k..its a gold coin…He even gave me collectable notes…and mind u..those notes are not those 2 dollar notes or wat..mostly r high value notes…He always give limited edition coins and notes..any thing he feel its special he will buy for me…
He is probably older than me daddy…
He is a nice uncle…
Wanted to tell him I leaving the shop before I left the shop..but I have no chance to meet him as he din walk pass the shop for very long…
From the letter then I know that he actually tripped and fell on a path leading to his apartment…fracturing his right thigh-bone…He stayed in the hospital for 15 daes…because of his heart condition the doctors have to extract all his teeth to prevent bacteria from entering through his teeth to attack his heart during the operation…Now recuperating at home…
Poor him..
Guess wat..he send me coin again..a collectable coin with my year on it..
May the angels protect him from harm too…
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