Today kinda quiet in the shop till last min there groups of customers flooding in…so sales was still not to bad today…heez…as usual I will be in the shop doing edging…heez…Lucky still got some sms to accompany moi...heez…thanx to those who smsed moi…heez…
No 1 online now….sob…all are out…hmm…tmw gotta do lotsa things…gotta do my hair~then buy my book…wanna study abit if can or do my assignments as Friday got test sob…and I know nuts abt the module….heez…gotta copy from…eh….heez~lalala~
Went to a coffee shop above my nearby market there to have my dinner with daddy mummy after my work…EeeEeEe…the food is horrible today~!!! And middle of our meal it rains~! -_-”
Ken chosen quite a nice song “the reason” to put in his blog but too bad its a .asf file so maybe cant…heez…sorry~! Im asking moi IT expert to help ya now..heez…
Wahh…some1 suaning moi that I cannot sleep all I wan…idiot..i know who u r~! hump! Maybe becos ya sleep too much that’s why…………..lalala~~ =P
Thanx to moi IT expert moi blog nice nice…heez…though its still kinda plain..haha…sometimes simple is good…heez…
Hmm..can see that I writing my blog from nobody online till there slowly ppl online…muhaha…
Im still in pain now..sob…
It’s a busy dae for moi tmw~~!!! ^^
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