Hope I can pass…this is wat I wanna say…
And give myself a piece of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did the intelligent and hardworking ger went to when she is young now? The ger that always in the top 5 in primary sch in a class of 40 over students… (my previous pri sch…I think BPPS dun have ranking…do they?? Muhaha…) The ger that went into pure sciences class in secondary school…WHERE ARE U??????
Hey ger wat r u doing??????????????? Fail 1st time not enuff gotta fail the 2nd time...how many times u wanna fail b4 u r scare??? U r not some richie daddy’s ger that can live off daddy’s wealth even u dun work 1dae u know?? And the sky wun drop money down and pity u when u dun have money u know?? No one is gonna pity when u dun have money next time u know?? Or u r waiting for some richie prince to bring u back to his castle and stay so that u dun need tot worry abt ur future..ur money…etc izzit? Even if there is such prince..mind u…if he ditch u 1 dae..u r nothing but a stupid and useless ger!!!!!!!!!!!! & guys these daes dun like stupid gers….they prefer intelligent gers!!! WAKE UP!!!WAKE UP!!!WAKE UP!!!!!
Y did U become a lazy ger…All the ppl ard u r studying and working so hard and u r here wasting ur daddy and ur money to study….U think money easy to earn izzit??
Do U think U r very clever very smart??? U know that ur memories not good and u should not last minute trying to swallow everything down and ganan choke in the end….Now get rid of all the lazy bones, devils worms and study hard!!!! U r taking a degree program…not a primary school exam….it need lotsa more time and effort…pls wake up now and start studying for ur paper tmw!!!do or die must get it over and done with!!!u dun wanna see the ppl in ur class moved on and u still stuck there right?? Shame on u….so u better give urself a big tight slap and study!!!!!!!!!!!Get all into ur brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to Hell the devil and lazy worms in me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay time to study for tmw paper…..